The sexual power of human pheromones is similar to the sexual power of neurotransmitters. They are chemical cousins. In fact, some hormones can be neurotransmitters and vice versa.

Norepinephrine is an example. When it is produced by nerve cells and travels through nerve pathways it is a neurotransmitter; when it is produced by the adrenal glands and travels through the bloodstream it is a hormone.

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Sex Pheromones

Human pheromones have another group of chemical relatives: sex pheromones. Sex hormones are the “parents,” or source, of male and female pheromones. Hormones spawn pheromones in two ways. First, it is the rising levels of sex hormones at puberty that initiate pheromone production. Second, hormones supply the chemical building blocks of pheromones.

Pheromones are produced from the byproducts of sex hormones that are broken down by the actions of enzymes and skin bacteria.

For instance, the male pheromones androstenol and androstenone are derived from the male hormone testosterone or its precursor, DHEA. The female hormones progesterone and the estrogens also produce chemicals that are thought to be pheromones.

Pheromones and The Human Sex Drive

As with all mammals, the human sex drive is hormone-driven. However, our sex drive differs in one important respect from that of other mammals. Most female mammals become sexually receptive and mate only during estrus, or heat, at certain times of the year. Their heat periods coincide with ovulation, which maximizes the chances for pregnancy.

Human females, on the other hand, can enjoy sexual intercourse at any stage of their monthly ovulatory cycle, as well as after removal of the ovaries or following menopause. Unlike other mammals, ovulation in human females is not marked by a change in behavior or other signs obvious to males.

Consequently, neither the male nor female can determine if she is capable of conceiving on any particular day. In humans, the sex drive is not irrevocably linked to the probability of initiating a pregnancy.

The sex drive is not merely for the propagation of the species according to Athena pheromone.

How Shifting Pheromone Levels Affect Relationships

When a woman is not ovulating, her sex drive is still there, but it does fluctuate. It rises and falls along with the rise and fall of an individual’s sex hormones. This is true for both men and women.

Shifting hormone levels directly impact the sex drive and can wreak havoc in a relationship if we do not recognize or understand what is happening. As hormone levels rise and fall, so does sexual interest.

It is as natural as the rise and fall of the tides, as predictable as the cycle of the seasons. The problem is that we do not realize what is happening because we do not understand body chemistry.

When sex loses its zest, we tend to blame our partner or ourselves. In many cases, we should blame it on our hormones. Here is more information at

Pheromones as Aphrodisiacs

The androgens, or male hormones, appear to be responsible for sexual arousal. They affect both the endocrine system, which produces hormones and the nervous system, which governs the mind and the emotions.

Women produce androgens, but in smaller amounts. These small amounts are essential for maintaining normal sexual desire in women. Learn about best pheromones for sex |

The other group of hormones, peptides, are made up of amino acids strung together in chains. Gastrointestinal hormones and the pituitary hormone oxytocin are examples of peptides, or protein-derived, hormones.


Oxytocin is connected to sex, love, and romance: it is stimulated by touching and makes us feel good – which stimulates more touching. In both its responsiveness to touch and its mood-elevating properties, oxytocin is similar to endorphins.

Oxytocin promotes feelings of warmth, intimacy, and bonding and is thus a powerful adjunct to sexual love, even though it does not stimulate the sex drive by itself.

Oxytocin is also involved in reproduction, as it produces contractions of the uterus during labor and stimulates milk flow in breastfeeding women.